The Hill

I got it all wrong this morning. 

I looked at the Met Office weather forecast, put on my running stuff and set off for the park just after 10am. The rain resumed just before I reached the park, and was coming down heavily when I started my run.

It stopped about 35 minutes later, just as I finished my run. 

Fortunately I had left my MacBook open at the Met Office page I had been checking just before I went out, and was able to assure myself I have not lost my marbles. Yet. 

My session was the same as the last couple of midweek ones - just over 2/3rds of the Parkrun course plus running up and down The Hill 5 times. I have lost about 4kg in the last 5 months, so at least I have something to show for the effort. 

Needless to say I was soaked to the skin by the time I got home, and it is a long time since I enjoyed a hot shower so much. Even my lunch seemed to taste better…

The Blip is The Hill looking back downwards. It does not look like much, but on the second Parkrun circuit it comes almost at the finish, so I have run close to 5k by then.   

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