
A slow day. Neither of us had a great night and it turns out Janet's got a stinker of a cold. I set my sympathy slider all the way to eleven... and went out on Morrigan for a bit of fresh air.

After commenting on a simple update to MacOs Ventura, my Luminar AI won't open now, which is slightly annoying. It's been fine for the last two days since updating, but now I have to resort to the "better" Luminar Neo, which I'm not at all fond of.

One week from COP27. Having refused the most environmentally conscious King we've ever had permission to attend COP27, Sunak isn't going either. That's a big statement the UK is making - let the planet burn; we're not bothered - and a strong one after actually hosting COP26.

Long term readers will know I'm conscious of carbon footprints, and apart from rare flights abroad riding Morrigan is one of the few naughty pleasures I retain. I did have to smile today though as I read how the Cambrian Rally was seeking to become carbon neutral. Uh-huh, ok...

It's been a ridiculously warm October, and with just a couple of days left I wonder what November will bring. If winter weather arrives it's going to be a shock! In the meantime, the heating is still off. yay.

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