
By Incredibish

Samhain Full Moon

I was reviewing some of yesterday's blips this morning, and as I read Melisseus's post touching on witches and full Moon rituals I was pulled to witness the setting of last night's Moon. I took a few shots, not expecting to use them, but they were all I photographed today, and so here She is, drifting down behind the poplar trees.

I'm much better today (thank you) but I still have an annoying cough and I've not felt like sharing it. I've postponed tomorrow's blood donation for the same reasons, and I won't be at the Samhain ritual tonight. I've swapped out the customary Samhain whisky / brandy libation for a drop of red wine, but I'll still be raising it to friends and family gone into mystery.

Back in 2014 The Druid Network published a peace ritual for the Full Moon, and it feels very needful to make a Call for Peace in these ridiculous and heartbreaking times. It's a simple ritual and fairly neutral, if you feel like joining in any time. May peace find a foothold in all the worlds. /|\

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