After effects

I think I have probably had a post vaccine reaction (in the form of tiredness) today, although yesterday was so jam packed with fun that it might be a little hard to disaggregate it all.

I was ok this morning (when I got my blip still in my PJs), and we managed to take some stuff down to the car to get it packed ready for a getaway on Wednesday (and also to make it possible to make the sofa bed to be occupied by Laura on Monday evening). I also took down the recycling. However, plans for a walk firstly to the second hand bookshop to drop some books and then to score a bottle of gin in one of the local off licences were knocked on the head. I decided I would much prefer spending the day sitting on my chair, just venturing off it occasionally to do some bits and pieces like making the spare bed, folding laundry, and watering plants.

The day was not entirely wasted as I made good progress on The Book of Form and Emptiness, which I have nominated as December's book group book. Still waiting to hear what hazelh is nominating for November.

I'm starting to feel much better this evening, so hopefully tomorrow will be perfectly normal. So far as workdays are normal these days for me....

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