
I was thinking about rabbits. At least I don't have any of those in the garden...not yet.

You have no idea how many videos I have of that mammoth slug. I am actually looking out for him on the video clips now.

I had a boyfriend over half a century ago whose dad was a butcher.
Rabbit was best grilled he said.
So he grilled it. He was good at cooking meat.
The rabbit was deliciously tender.
But once I realised about myxomatosis I didn't have it any more.

One of my cats used to regularly catch rabbit for me, and drag it in through the cat flap. He hunted on the railway sidings. And I would come into the kitchen to a live rabbit looking at me...

Okay, YouTube video is Foxy Loxy who also appears to like my cat, but this night he is just rooting around. The second pair of eyes in the background also belong to a fox. I have many clips which are like dancing eyes in the bushes...


Creative is autumn again...
I struggled with this one. I don't like it.
I spent too long on it.

Cuppa needed now.

Have your best day.

I have never seen so much rain as we have now.
Makes me glad to live on top of the hill, and not the bottom of the hill...

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