An Early Start...

Another quick jaunt to the lake...motivated by hints of a possible colourful sunrise..and I got there in time...just in time...

It amazes me how each sunrise can be so different from the last one..there are so many variables at day it is pastel shades of pink and yellow..another a fiery red, another a brilliant gold with blue cloud bank on the today..It is always a surprise.

It was a day spent raking in the garden, emptying some flower pots, visiting with my neighbour - our Sunday ritual chat - and reading...I have finished the book for our next book club so now am reading one for no reason other than it looks interesting! heh heh...So many books, so little time...

And, of course, the evening was spent in front of the TV..between Netflix, Prime and Britbox, there is no lack of entertainment for vegging out at the end of the day...Last night?..All Quiet on the Western Front..Tonight, Season 1 of The Fall...tomorrow night? Season 2? 

Oh..and a last-minute dash to the grocery store to pick up candy to hand out for Hallowe'en tomorrow night...Almost forgot! 

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