Happy Halloween

The pumpkins on Dana and Jim's front porch were a collaborative effort. I think Peter carved the mushrooms and 'the scream' and Dana did the others. Peter was eying one of the pumpkins on our porch for 'the scream' but decided it was 'too soft'. Blake is investigating Frankenstein who has real staples in his head.

These get the grand prize in in my Halloween 2022 collection. although I did add a final extra of fishing skeletons. Lights in the 'water' make it glow blue at night....

John has some sort of itchy skin rash that has been driving him (and me) crazy for quite awhile. He finally called and made an appointment with the dermatologist awhile ago but couldn't get an appointment until next week. He is clawing himself raw in spots and we have tried everything from moisturizer to cortisone cream, drinking more water (not too good at this...says he prefers beer, refuses to accept that beer and coffee are NOT water) to rubbing ice over his skin.

Last night we were at Jim and Dana's for our Sunday supper and I asked Dana if she had any Benedryl (an antihistamine especially for itching). She used to give it to Rudy the dog who insisted on eating bees, getting stung by them and swelling up like a balloon. Benadryl was the antidote. The dog is no longer among us and she didn't have any, but Jim, being the kind soul he is went out and got some, then insisted he take it immediately. I feebly protested that he should wait until bedtime because Benadryl is NOT non-drowsy but I was overruled. John made it through a delicious minestrone, made by Dana, homemade bread and cookies, made by Jim, then promptly fell asleep in his chair in the living room. 

Although I hadn't taken any Benadryl and was perfectly capable, Dana insisted that Peter drive us home in our car which also meant that Jim had to follow us to take Peter home. Something about carrying the giant pot of delicious minestrone, which I also felt capable of doing. I probably wouldn't have been able to carry John into the house, but he made it straight to bed under his own steam.

John slept for 12 hours, but I woke up numerous times wondering if he was ok. I think we'll be having minestrone for dinner tonight. We ate all the bread....

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