Tis da Season, Eek!

What a horrible day! A windy day, and it has chucked it down all day.  There was rivers flowing down the streets at points. It finally stopped raining at 5pm, and mostly dry and breezy tonight. 

Day off, thank goodness, as I had a poor night sleep with pains in my legs.  What do you do this morning, house chores.  Poor Sammy wanted walkies, but after doing a weather check, he decided against it.  Had enough in the afternoon, and nipped down to Laura's.  I finally got out walkies with Sammy at 5pm, and we had to avoid the new rivers.  I've been working in the shop this evening, and fairly quiet.  Think most bairns will have enough sweeties after yesterday's haul.  More walkies, now feet up.  

Halloween has barely passed, and all of a sudden, we are thrown into Christmas season, eek!  The local farm shop had a Christmas launch.  A glass of mulled wine and mince pie on entry, and then into the shop with the Christmas gifts, decorations, cards and more on display.  I got a bits and bobs, and plenty of ideas, so will be back for another look soon.  Laura, Shaun, Elise and mam all having a good hock amongst the treasures.  Taken at MacKenzie's Farm Shop, Cunningsburgh.  

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