
Staying in one of the fellows' guest rooms meant that I could have breakfast in the fellows' dining room. Both it and the food were excellent, and I had the agreeable company of the occupant of the other guest room. It was all very pleasant and, had I not had a 09:00 business meeting, it would have been great to spend the day working in the study of my guest suite, with its view over the main quad of Balliol College.

So, I headed across the centre of Oxford, and joined И for a productive technical meeting with the two people who will be integrating our solvers into their company's software.

With time to spare before our coach to Gatwick, we had coffee and excellent fresh pastela de nata before visiting Modern Art Oxford. There we had an "immersive art experience" created by performance artist Marina Abramović. Unfortunately that meant that we missed the coach, so had to take the train via Reading.

Now in Berlin, we refuelled in the Airbnb on currywurst, chips, pickles and beer.

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