A Lazy Hazy Day...

Another misty morning that started out not with a walk, but with a coffee and visit from my neighbour Diane, who believe it or not, spent the rest of her day making outdoor Christmas planters? Say what? And then offered me some evergreen sprigs and branches form her garden so I could make mine? Now? I'm still in the pumpkins-on-the-porch and autumn-leaves-everywhere stage! But how could I refuse a batch of evergreen sprigs? 

Today was also the day Sherri that comes to clean, and as we are both chatter boxes, it is best that I vacate the premises when possible so she can concentrate on her work....so off I went.. to the lake... where else? 

It was a beautiful and warm day.. but hazy, and it was noon by the time I got to the lake - so not ideal for photo-taking, but lovely for walking along the beach as well as along the paths that run behind it next to the marsh. I was surprised though at all the cars and people with children hanging out down there...on a week-day...what's with that? 

But then I remembered...our education workers went on strike today and all our local schools were closed...Geez... how I remember those days long ago... walking the picket line, and protesting at Queen's Park...and how could I forget "work-to-rule"? Not the best memories I have of  my teaching days...How sad that it takes such measures...and especially now..after all the disruption of COVID on the system, here we go again..more disruption...

On a happier note..I enjoyed my relaxing time at the beach, met some interesting people and even saw a leucistic chickadee. I had never even heard of leucism..a "genetic condition that prevents a bird's body from depositing pigments in feathers leaving some parts of the bird white or paler than normal" Another tidbit of information I picked up whilst in search of blips! Of course, my photo of said bird was not worthy of posting - taken with my iPhone with no time to get close enough...  the iPhone is great, but not for everything!  

It was a rather lazy day...not a day when I accomplished very much, but I did enjoy it!  Tomorrow?.. more productive? Christmas planters? :))

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