
Sort of...More of a heavy drizzle, but it has persisted most of the day and is predicted to continue for several more days. It seems quite appropriate that we go off Daylight Savings Time and turn our clocks back an hour tonight. I'm not looking forward to the dark falling an hour earlier, but it will be easier to get up in the morning...maybe. If I had anything to say about it I would vote for staying on daylight savings time all year around.

It says something about our hapless government that they can't agree on this. There is a resolution before Congress to stay on summer time year 'round but it will probably die for lack of a vote. Their excuse is that nobody can agree. They get many letters both pro and con. Perhaps this is because it is an issue the average citizen can relate to....

Our entire county gets a mail in ballot. There are no polling places. I sat down with two voters' handbooks with 'official statements by candidates and pro and con arguments for the propositions, but found it so difficult to navigate (no table of contents, random statements from some candidates but not all, deceptively worded propositions) that I eventually gave up on it.  I have a college education. No wonder people respond to advertising and false information.

John's skin is looking better but he has developed a stiff neck. I spent the afternoon making a 'neck pillow' for him while he went through his closet getting rid of things that he hasn't worn in ten years and quite a few things that are nine sizes too big for him. We are certainly driven by our metabolisms. He can eat anything he wants and as much of it as he wants and never gains weight. I am not so lucky. 

I know that rain drops on plants is not at all exciting for many readers, but the rain on the giant echium outside the bedroom door was pretty exciting for us drought starved Californians. The hairy leaves catch the water nicely.

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