Fika with my Friend

I knew about Fika because of our Blip (and real life) friends who live in Sweden - HarlingDarling and keibr, a great idea for MonoMonday, and for any day. As others have said, surely all cultures have something like this custom. Here in Portugal, though folk have coffee makers in their homes, the custom is to go to the local café for your after dinner espresso, to see your neighbours, and catch up on the gossip.

I often think it's a shame we ended up living just outside of town because it definitely means we're less involved with folk - but more involved with Nature - just walked out and saw the almost full moon rising pink and glorious over the ploughed fields.

Anyway, the photo is Mike with our post nap mugs of tea (coffee is for the mornings) and some delicious macarons (apparently, macarons are made with almonds, and macaroons with coconut) I got yesterday. 

- waking to a misty morning; the spider webs were superb
- more progress on the gardening
- the macarons
  they were delicious
  so sweet
  and so crunchy (cf William Carlos Williams)

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