
It was a toss up what to post ........ this or a box.
Can you guess what this is? (there is another shot of it in the extras).

I spent a short time at the lathe this morning.
I was convinced it was Sunday until I heard 'Pop Master' come on the radio.
Wow! - Monday already.
I began to panic when my lathe started making a very strange noise .... like an alarm. It got switched off very quickly but the noise continued.
It turned out to be the small clock I took out to the garage a while ago.
The alarm function wasn't switched on and the only way to stop it was to take the battery out. Several hours later I put the battery back in .... and the alarm started again! Bin time ..............

See trying to take a king-sized mattress off by yourself ....... it is no joke.
But it had to be done - some of the slats in the bed frame had loosened off so I was having to screw them down.
Then I had to put the mattress back on ........... Knackered.

The afternoon was spent collecting SWMBO's prescription, doing a bit of shopping and then sharpening all my Forstner drill bits. 
What a nightmare job that is.

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