...but where's the coffee?

Fika was not something I had ever heard of before starting blipfoto, but I came across the idea on a few entries and thought it sounded like my kind of thing. So it really caught my eye when a local storefront was renovated and this new boutique opened up. Unfortunately, this place does not look like my kind of thing. I've even peeked in the windows and there's not a cup of coffee or piece of bakery in sight. Am I missing something? Is there another side to this fika experience that people aren't talking about? Please, my Swedish friends, I welcome your opinion on the matter.

In any case, when I noticed  "fika" was the Mono Monday theme today, I pulled over and took a quick photo of the place on my way in to work. It was a bit rainy, and it's right on a busy road, so I didn't have time to line up anything too special, but there it is.

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