Cyfrifiadura cwmwl

Cyfrifiadura cwmwl ~ Cloud computing

“There’s a sharp precision that exists in our life, which generally arises from some form of training or discipline, the sitting practice of meditation in particular. It’s not that meditation sharpens our perceptions, but that sitting practice makes it possible to perceive. It’s a question of removing the clouds, rather than recreating the sun.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Treuliais i y rhan fwyaf o'r dydd yn gweithio ar y cyfrifiadur. Rydw i'n ceisio gorffen calendr am y flwyddyn nesa. Mae'n hwyr nawr, ond rydw i'n cadw ffeindio pethau i drwsio neu i wella. Yn y cyfamser mae Nor'dzin wedi bod yn gweithio ar ei chyfrifiadur ar ei llyfr nesa. Ble fydden ni heb y cyfrifiaduron?

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I spent most of the day working on the computer. I'm trying to finish a calendar for next year. It's late now, but I keep finding things to fix or improve. Meanwhile Nor'dzin has been working on her computer on her next book. Where would we be without the computers?

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