My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


What a beautifully fancy Chimney this is.
I popped down to a charity shop to give them 2 bags of stuff for them; have to send it somewhere, I've tried selling it, but no luck, so they may as well get some money for them if they can.
I then drove a little way & got out for a walk, the sun was shining & it's warm enough not to have a coat.
I took a few pictures, but I was amazed by these Chimney's, I do like Architecture of all sorts.
Now is this Chimney & others on this building, I wonder are they original; if so then they were created by my Great Great Great Uncle who built this house for his family. He built lots of other houses & also a Church nearby that has recently been demolished & a larger ugly building built in it's place. :) 

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