Charity Shop find

Washed in cedar soap it now smells amazing. Golden foil bees against a grey background. I think it’s going to be worn a lot!

Didn’t manage to get to the post office as hoped sadly so that important job rolls over to Sunday and a longer drive as a result. My local post offices close at 12 and 1pm respectively on a Saturday now so the one that’s open all day Sunday is in Cirencester, 10 miles away. Such a shame the service has been cut so badly in the last 3-4 years.

Spent the day doing pest control which took a big chunk of the day, setting rat traps and filling bait stations with both blue grain and blocks. As I live in a very rural area I’ve been told blue grain is the way to go. This evening I heard some activity in the wall so I have to try and get a grip on it before it escalates. I find it very stressful.

I’ll put some peppermint essential oil down tomorrow to try and disrupt scent trails etc.

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