Much needed

Had to get out of the house and out into nature.

After posting some things I popped into the supermarket and got some fish for my evening meal. I thought I’d try some Indonesian inspired rice and maybe some salad and garlic / dill sauerkraut. Sounds very healthy for a Sunday evening meal.

I have a bit of reading to do later so thought rather than race home and read I should make the most of the mild weather and the limited sunlight of the day. It was really worthwhile.

I went to the Bathurst Estate in Cirencester. It’s a private estate open to the public 9- 5pm. Lots of dog walkers, big family groups and couples. I managed just over an hour of walking . There are some tennis courts in the park which I’ve never seen used before but they were packed today. The colours of the leaves and the trees is still pretty good but I have a feeling it will look very different in a couple of weeks given how many leaves are falling rapidly.

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