More poppies!

I went to the local Remembrance parade and service in Hampton Wick this morning. It is a small parade with just some Sea Cadets marching as there is a much bigger parade in Teddington.

Most of the wreaths that were laid were basically the same as I had assembled at the Poppy Factory on Friday! Some have added ‘middles’ depending on the organisation giving them.
This year there were several ex servicemen laying wreaths who were wearing their medals, as well as a local councillor and representatives from other organisations. However for the first time there was no serving military person. 

One of the wreaths had white flowers to represent peace, I have seen a few people wearing white poppies this year for the first time. The vicar also spoke about hoping for peace in Ukraine.

Prayers were read out by children from the local primary school and the service conducted by the vicar and curate from the local church. There was also a keyboard and speakers  for singing the hymns, this is the first time I have actually sung  God Save the King which was at the end of the service.

Another sunny day and no need for thick coats or gloves which one usually needs for Remembrance Sunday.

I watched the service from the Royal Albert Hall last night and was interested to hear the part about the Falklands - 40 years ago. I remember watching it on TV as I was on maternity leave with my first child!

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