A Splash of Autumn

Misty first thing and then dull. Len, Basil and I drove into Loughborough where Len deposited all the redundant computers etc that we had accumulated. Curry's really do like our old tech, I'm pleased to say.

Then on to Beacon Hill East in gorgeous sunshine which disappeared as soon as we had parked the car. It wasn't to be a repeat of yesterday's splendour. The beeches have turned a very vibrant orange and gold, as you can see. A little walk into the woods was enough for my leg. Toasted sandwiches in the café afterwards. Lots of people there enjoying the open air.

Carol messaged to say that Edna had died of a heart attack last night after complaining of indigestion at the Bowls' Club evening. I was very sad to hear it. She had always been cheerful, no-nonsense and was ever mindful of my gluten free needs. She will be much missed.

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