Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


A flock of American Goldfinches showed up today, always a happy occasion.  I set my hide up on the deck about 5 feet from a feeder and a perch - and let the magic happen.  Always surprising to see how much variation they show in their winter plumage with this one still sporting a lot of color around the head and neck.  They are about the same size as our chickadees (very small) but prone to lots of bad behavior at the feeders as they jostle for position.  Fun to watch though.  

Anyway, nice to be photographing something other than a chickadee or nuthatch today.  

My oncology appointment got rescheduled for this afternoon so that meant I also had to reschedule a walk with a friend - shooting for tomorrow.  Very eager to get the doctor visit behind me and hopefully with a solution for the current round of side effects from the drugs.  There is pretty much nothing about cancer that doesn't suck, is there?

Another cold day but that didn't stop Jax and I from taking a quick walk on the Lane.  Had to break out my heavy winter coat finally.  Oddly, the cold doesn't seem to bother Jax at all even with his very short, thin coat.  That said, he does love to lay directly in front of the fire with his head on the hearth...

I think dark with ginger today.


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