Rain all day

It was a huge relief to have M here supporting J today - managing the physical aspects of her care is always a struggle when I don't feel well (which thankfully is rare). I went back to bed after breakfast until it was time to help with the lunchtime hoist transfers, but after lunch, with a supermarket delivery due to arrive and a few important small jobs to do, I made coffee. I had been feeling brighter all day, but was amazed how much the coffee energised me after a few days when I hadn't felt inclined to drink caffeine: I've been more focused, more cheerful and a lot more useful. It's sobering to realise how much difference it has made, and makes me wonder to what extent my usual daily functioning depends on my coffee.

It has been torrentially wet all day. I've slightly enhanced the colours through the steamy windows in the dining room.

Although I'm feeling generally quite a lot better, my leg is no less swollen, red and angry, so I think a GP appointment and another course of antibiotics will be needed : ((  

I've now caught up with another three days' photos. It's so much quicker when only take two or three a day!

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