My Big Beautiful Bouquet

 This is the bouquet that my husband picked out for me for our wedding anniversary. It reminded me of the flowers that my daughter and I wore in our hair that day. 
My daughter posted a very sweet tribute to us on Facebook that tells the story of our wedding: 

"The dance studio my girls go to is in the same place my old daycare was. And that daycare (Lakeside Children’s Center for Discovery) is where this beautiful couple got married! The kids made paper decorations and dressed up the center as best we could! It was such a heartfelt wedding, and we were so excited to welcome my stepdad into the family. The local newspaper even covered the story. 
Years earlier, my dad passed away and the daycare became our second family. Bonnie Herscher went above and beyond to take care of Katherine, Rich, and me as we navigated life without my dad. Lakeside became our sanctuary. My stepdad later came into our lives and brought the laughter and silliness we hadn’t realized we’d been missing! He complimented my mom so well, and I knew right away we were keeping him. Rodney is such a compassionate person and I feel incredibly lucky that he is now my dad. My mom and dad are so much fun to be around, and I love how many adventures they go on. They’re still crazy in love, and I’m so happy they got married in that daycare 26 years ago!"
Today has been really special. 

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