Tools of the Trade

The devil was in the detail. I read the detail for today -  heavy rain, strong E wind high tide and rough sea. Sue did not read the detail and was therefore not put off going down to Porty by my ‘what do you think’ message. 

And so we went, driving through a not -quite -dawn greyness in a very heavy shower of rain to see the waves crashing ashore high up the beach. The rain miraculously stopped long enough for us to disrobe and rush into the sea, holding hands as we backed out through most of  the surf to the waves gathering further out. There was much jumping and shrieking as the waves came at us in groups, some able to be jumped over and others breaking just as they reached us. We held hands like lovers for the duration, never letting go while the waves submerged us, feeling at one with the sea and it’s energy. 
When we got tired we ran back to the car and got semi dressed in the roadway. It can’t have been a pretty sight but there was nobody about to witness it. Not everyone is mad enough to be wandering about at that hour.

After a hot shower and a desanding of body and equipment,  I was ready for coffee with cycling friends. Sue was off to dig out her petunias and plant her pansies. Each to her own!

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