I love looking out of the bedroom window at the birch trees, especially in their autumn colours!

At The Climbing Unit this morning I didn't feel on top form**, probably due to waking in the early hours for the last ten days and going over the drive/garden works in my mind. But even so I did lots of easy routes and then had a good go at lots of various harder routes that I couldn't finish, but it's the trying that counts. 

Alan was there, I think he goes most days, but he's off to Scotland again tonight to complete more Humps. Each to their own!

Shopping food
Freezing some of it
Packing finish off 
Washing load of

I fancied a pie for dinner so I bought one, I imagine it'll be ok done in the Ninja, I can leave it in the foil case.

** John, Mum's partner, used that phrase now and again, it's obviously rubbed off!

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