John Fergusson

Today's the day ......................... to get help

When we were at the Remembrance Ceremony the Sunday before last, we met Frank, an ex-serviceman who had the job of laying the poppy wreath at the base of the War Memorial on behalf of the Community Council.

One of his interests is family history research, especially when it involves searches for military personnel.  Having had a career in the army which had taken him to all parts of the globe, he is an expert at finding his way round military records.  He has been helping Will in his search for information about his Irish grandfather - and when he called in today to return some papers, I asked him if he could help me with my grandfather.

That's him in the picture above - second from the left, between my grandmother and my great grandmother.  It was taken in 1917, possibly on their wedding day and he's in his army uniform.  He joined the army before the start of the 1st World War so hopefully, that will make it easier to find his army record, about which I know nothing at present.

I'm hoping that Frank will be able to help because it would be so good to know a bit more about him ...................  

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