Future Promise

One of the pleasures of growing things is watching them change.  Bulbs, corms and tubers have the added feature that all evidence disappears for a while each year.   Here is an oxalis that I bought as a few tiny bulbs when I gave a talk at the AGS bulb day back in September.   They were so small that I did not expect any flowers in the first year so this is a nice surprise .... and who doesn't like a nice surprise?   It may be approaching the darkest month of the year but the bulbs will not stop providing interest.

Another day which included a fair bit of sorting and cleaning.   Two mattresses swapped over so that the more comfortable one is on the main guest bed, another bag of stuff to a charity shop, a cake baked and a few seeds planted.   The seeds are from a seed exchange run by the South African Bulb Group and are ephemeral, that is they need planting almost as soon as they are ripe.   Most had roots and some even had tiny green shoots.  More seed to plant tomorrow, I received a package from a bulb nursery in Israel run by a long-time contact.   The nursery is called Seeds of Peace, an interesting article about the nursery and it's two partners - a Jew and a Muslim - here.

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