And I'm thinking this peacock (Pavo cristatus) is thankful he's not a turkey.  I've never eaten peafowl but they are closely related to pheasants and I've consumed plenty of them over the years.  Dunno why roast peafowl wouldn't be a nice dinner.....with some of my favorite roasted potatoes, a wilted watercress salad, maybe a glass of wine and, of course, apple pie for dessert.
Yes, I happen to be a world class judge of apple pie...all pretenders being compared to the gold standard which was set by my maternal grandmother Oh so many years ago.  Several have come close to the standard but, to date, none have equalled grandma or surpassed her.  The latter, of course, will never happen.
Best viewed in Large.....and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all those who Blip, American or not.

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