A walk by the River Don at Deepcar

The choice of route was probably a mistake, given my insecurity around wet slippy descents, even very slight ones (I did take my stick).  The path is very close to the river edge and yesterday was wet, soggy and slippy from all the rain we've had, though it was a lovely day.

I was reminded by another Wendy on FB that my OM1 has an inbuilt neutral density filter, so I thought I'd give it a try.  I did lots of playing with different exposure/shutter speed settings.  I'm not too sure exactly what I learnt, apart from too many thin tree trunks and their reflections don't necessarily make good Icm images.  The image I've chosen is fairly abstract, so I'm not sure how you will see it, but the footbridge crosses the river just above the remains of a weir, where a large tree branch has become stuck.  A 5 sec exposure at F5.6. The extra is a 13sec exposure at F22 (a much lighter spot along the route).  Both 400 ISO (apologies if number bore you - this bit is mainly for me).

Emma came late afternoon to give my feet a once over and to sort a couple of bits that always need sorting.  She's one of my favourite people to chat to and I always look forward to our hour together.  

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