Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

From the top window

Blips over the next few days are likely to be restricted to views from the house or the courtyard as I self isolate. If I feel better in a couple of days, I might wander out for a breath of fresh air and make sure I keep well away from everyone. I don’t think I will be going anywhere immediately.

Mrs TT and I both feel very rough. She is on day two and I am on day three. I went into the courtyard to do five minutes weeding and that exhausted me. I am asleep a lot of the time on the couch. I have watched some of the World Cup but I find it difficult to concentrate. I watched the whole of the game last night but was very disappointed with England, both their attitude and their execution.

A friend brought round some shopping this afternoon which is very welcome. The French have a good word for the spirit of looking after each other, ‘solidarité.’ When I thanked her she replied with another often heard expression, ‘C’est normal.’

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