Monday bouldering wall
Tuesday charity shop
Wednesday yoga
Thursday bouldering wall

I'm hoping that having a regular routine, at least on four days of the week, will help me know what day it is!

The Reds had been reset at The Climbing Wall and Alan and I spent the whole session working them out and having a go. I only completed one, and another two with cheating a bit on the first move, but when I go again on Monday I'll be a little more familiar with them and I'm sure be able to complete a few more.

Asda, home, lunch, and then out into the garden to water the new lawn. I know it's not been sunny, but it hasn't rained for a few days either. Then I finished sorting the slabs. I don't know what people think when they see me carrying half a slab into the front garden... I should be proud that I can do it, but I just feel slightly embarrassed!

Next I made a pot of Brinjal Bhaji, i.e. aubergine curry, using the airfryer to roast the aubergine, and adding in a lone courgette too. Smells delicious, I'll try some in a bit.

I'm fed up with typing my blip up on this new phone, it's IMPOSSIBLE and I've ended up typing this in Samsung Notes... which proves, I think, that it's not the fault of the phone, but more an incompatibility with the Blip website. Oh dear :-(

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