Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Need to make a call?

I had to go to Kingston this morning to get a few things, and while I was there I decided to take a photo of these well known phone boxes.

These tumbling red telephone boxes were created by the Scottish installation artist David Mach. The work of art was commissioned by Kingston Council in 1988 and has divided public opinion ever since.

On a more worrying note, is anyone else aware of the changes that Adobe have brought in to Photoshop? In a nutshell, Photoshop CS6 is the last version of Photoshop that one can buy outright - after that, the new version, called Photoshop CC, one has to pay a monthly subscription fee to use it. You may think it won't affect you as you are happy with your current version of Photoshop, but one day when you want to change your camera, your current version of Photoshop won't work with the software of your new camera. Read about it here

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