Big band

Varied day today. I had invited my new neighbour for "elevensis", as it's called in Lord of the rings, when you have a coffee break at eleven, in Swedish it's simply called "eleven-coffee", or some other suitable time. My neighbour has already lived in her little house for a month but she's been busy moving and there hasn't been a suitable time until now. We're the only ones living here and it would be weird not to have any contact at all. It'll be good to have someone to water the plants when you travel, or just keep an eye at the house. Nice to be a bit acuainted.

The freezer contained a small lamb steak that I had forgotten about , that could be turned into a luxury lunch for me and I had the chance to learn a new recipe. Delicious lunch.

Some music got practiced during afternoon and in the evening I worked at the theatre again, the last time before Christmas. A Big-band has been formed in Kalmar a while ago and they did their second concert tonight, all Christmas music in big-band versions. They already sound tight and has a good sound, I was impressed, it's not so easy to start a band like that. Some are pensioners but most of the members are young, so the music is not all old jazz-standards but also some funky new beats. Fun to experience.

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