
By SkiMe


This is the gate in front of one of the country houses in a previous post in March. I was in a hurry today after lunch and so made this easy detour to check out the view now in full spring regalia. The homestead definitely merits another post and so that will be probably another visit this summer. Somebody has done a very nice job of fixing it up and is now a vacation rental.

Pretty cool iron work with the acid burn-ins and this sun and moon and stars all together.

A relaxing and hippy happy weekend to everyone. ;)

ps, I changed from the zoomed picture to the entire homestead since I think this fits my photographic style better. I had a good drive home last night at late dusk. The fields along the autostrada were bathed in evening mist and the air had a certain full opulent quality to it after all the rain showers in the afternoon.... feeling sort of sentimental I suppose for the lost days of youth driving around Virginia and the greater USA in my Scirocco and with the sun roof open. I made a lot of road trips and often drove the nights to get where I wanted to go... long may you run all of you free spirited and adventureous lost souls in the world! This video from John Mayer is for you!!

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