Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Wet Panties

I'm hard pressed to know what it is about a below-freezing day that says "let's take a splashy bath".  But, my heated bird bath is always very busy on cold day - partly from birds coming for a drink and partly for those, like this little Goldfinch, that feel like a brisk, vigorous bath.  You an see his feathers in his nether-regions are quite wet.

I've gotten a surprising amount done today including putting the lights on the Christmas tree, making a vet appointment for the cats for their annuals,  some Christmas shopping (online), taking Jax for a walk, and cleaning the china hutch.  Feeling pretty pleased with myself. I even got outside for some therapeutic bird photography which always lifts my spirits.  At one point, I was able to count 9 chickadees which is definitely a record.  And when I stood for a moment with some seeds in my hand, one came immediately and landed on my fingers to grab a seed!  

Hubs and I have been watching the second season of Stanley Tucci's Searching For Italy which is every bit as enjoyable as the first season.  We've spent some really wonderful vacations in Italy over the years and it's fun to see familiar places, as well as new-to-us places.  And the food... alora!

I think dark with nuts again today...


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