An egg cup of sunlight

Well, light from the sun such as it was today! And photographed through our kitchen window. Thanks to Carolina who is hosting this month's Mono Monday challenges. It's not exactly come out how I intended, but frankly too tired to make further effort. November is not my favourite month, but who does like a British Isles November? EDIT: Just realised it's December! But the weather still thinks it's November!!

Finished doing our tax returns today. Thank goodness that's over for another twelve months. The numbers shrink each year as my royalties dwindle, but I feel lucky still to be earning anything from books published ten years ago. Most of my titles have been out of print for longer than that (little infant-classroom readers from years ago), but other meatier educational tomes continue to sell. Not for much longer. My most successful series has been superseded, which is fair enough. I'm no longer au fait with current classroom practices, teaching methods or, indeed, the ever-changing national curriculum. It was fun while it lasted.

Now I enjoy writing poetry and ditties to accompany blips on occasion. Happy to be paid in compliments and stars! ;-))

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