Getting Ready

I believe there'll be a graduation ceremony sometime the end of this week.  The nibble tables are ready, so is the bar.  I have never worked at a place where the bar bears the name of the school, where Xmas music is played in the 'lobby', and where a secret gift-giving event is organized for all interested employees.  This past week at work has given me the feeling that I'm in a hotel -- which is the whole idea, I think.

Do you see the Taste Lab festooned with Xmas lights?  That's where the students experiment with cocktails, various liquors, smoothies, and amúses.  Not to be fooled.  It is a classroom like any other, but usually used by the restaurant lecturers.

Indeed... went to work, worked, went back home.  Yesterday, I already took home the almond spiced cake in the shape of a pretzel (every employee got one), plus a couple of very, very yummy cookies baked by the students themselves.  AW is fond of almond spiced cake so he can have it all, and he'll eat it all, too.

Enough about the food, for now.  The whole day was filled with presentation exams, where students were marked by two lecturers -- the Ethics teacher and the English teacher.  The day wasn't over when these were done, as I have to go on correcting the Year 2 essays.  Correction work will continue tomorrow, and I'll be working from home.  The Guilford Guy has fixed it so that Gina will take over the Thursday presentations.  His idea, not mine, and I won't complain.  It's fab, though, to think of all the festivities coming up.

After dinner, AW joined the usual Wednesday evening online bridge tournament.  They're still at it and I'm signing off here to burn some evening to midnight oil.  Till tomorrow, then.

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