
By samsticks

Fifty Shades of Grey

This morning started reasonably early (for a Saturday!), but then, they all do these days. Miles gave us the luxury of going back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 10:20 - Gina managed to use that time wisely and got some more sleep in. I got up, got sucked into Blip for a bit and then managed to tear myself away and did a little bit of work.

I had a few things to pick up in town (it's mothers' day here tomorrow), so off I went, leaving Gina and Miles getting ready for the day. I had to drive around a bit to get a parking space (honestly, it would have taken me as long to cycle, I don't know why I always tend to take the car at the weekend, thinking it'll be "quicker"!), but I ended up right next to this door.

I thought it was quite striking for a few reasons, which I'll now point out to you! :)
1) it was grey metal, surrounded by a blue-grey which seems like it had been painted by someone with absolutely no experience whatsoever - in some ways, it's unplanned street art, and I thought quite pleasing.
2) The numbers just don't add up. I could almost believe it if the numbers 375-377, but 379!? Come on! This was the only door on a not very large building - either this was Melbourne's answer to the Tardis, or the same person that had done the grey paint had put the numbers on, and counting wasn't up their either.
3) It looks like the number on the right has been CHANGED!! How can this be!?
4) I loved the retro round button light over the door
5) There was a door bell to the right of the door, which just looks so out of place... it's brass.
6) There was a stencil of a woman (maybe Amy Winehouse?) thrown in for good measure.

All these things rushed through my head simultaneously, and I realised that, well, I just liked this door.

Simple really.

The rest of the day was spent at a first aid course for new parents. Very informative, and lots of the stuff applied to adults too - I now know which nasty Australian spider bites to wrap (Funnelwebs) and which not to bother (Redbacks). That's the sort of information that goes for everyone, no matter the age!

I made it to my mate Steve's birthday jam for an hour or so too, which was awesome.

Bit of a ramble here tonight, sorry about that, it just flowed out today!

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