Frosty Padlock

It was still extremely cold this morning, so I went into the garden to take a few photos of the frost. I did try to go out of my gate yesterday, but the lock on the padlock was frozen solid. The temperature did rise today to 3C and it all thawed out, so much so that it looked like it was raining on the trees they were dripping so much. More catching up today, some admin and I also spent an hour and a half collecting leaves out the front this afternoon. It went back below freezing as soon as the sun went down. 

I feel so sorry for people who are struggling to pay their fuel bills, particularly in this weather. I'm fine to pay, but I'm still doing a double take as the daily cost on my smart meter goes over £10. A church in Holt set up a Support Fund (Holt and Community) a couple of months ago for people to help with energy costs, which has already raised £18,000 - I hope other communities are doing similar initiatives.  I'd heard an article on R4 about people who are not in dire need donating to such projects the £400 energy rebate the Govt is giving everyone (on top of the Govt support to cap the cost of fuel). Such a good idea. 

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