
From today's Advent reading in Darkling:

Disaster. From the Latin Dis-astrum.
Dis - negation. Astrum - stars.

... A disaster is the loss of that which orientates us. We become dizzied; overwhelmed; uncertain.

... How many disasters have we collectively faced over the last few years? How many have you faced in your own life?

You should not be shocked to feel the way you do.

The first step back towards life is to name what we are experiencing.

Beloved, you have been de-starred.

God of the skies,
We call out in our starless night.
Be with us in our lostness.
Draw close as we name our disasters...

It seems that that the disaster of the emptying Lake is being averted for now. It's rained a lot while we were away, and a fair bit today - Mike was assessing how much he thinks it's risen, maybe a foot. You can see the normal level on the rocks, plus the trees that were felled before the Lake filled.

- another relaxed day
- taking Swedish Christmas goodies from Ikea to our Swedish friends
- being warm (at no cost), SO grateful for this! Wish all you Brits could come stay with us in our warm little hovel...

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