The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The first jigsaw of winter

A sunny one, apart from Alaska! Postcards from USA is the title. There is one piece missing. I bought it in Nailsworth, Glos on a sunny/rainy day in August, with my sister TML.

Happy days! I pulled my yaktrax (rubber and wire shoe covers) over my walking boots and managed to walk off the estate without falling over. Proceeeded cautiously all the way to town. There was more snow around, especially on the high street, than I expected. Not many people out walking.

Got to work at last. The driveway was the worst, with snow piled thickly, and a car stuck on it. Someone had built a snowman outside the surgery. Thick fronds from the large conifer gave it an interesting hairdo.

Did not achieve much at work today. The food bank was not delivering because of the snow. Their offices were closed. Much of my work now deals with people living in real poverty. We were allowed to leave work at 4, so we could get home before dark. I carried a small parcel to the post office, but it was already shuttered and barred.

Got home, switched on the electric throw, climbed into bed to keep warm and to watch Pointless and....yes, you've guessed the rest! Neither Steve nor I had any idea whether or not the couple won the jackpot. We slept right through the thrilling final round.

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