The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Mele Kalinkimaka

No, it's not a Hawaiian bird, but I was listening to that song while I tried the jigsaw. It's an extra-difficult 32 piece one from Wentworth that arrived while I was away. Many of the pieces are curly and look almost identical to each other. I love it, and want to buy something like this for all my jigsaw friends (wonder if the company will take Euros? I have a few left over).

Today I have been resting. Did two loads of laundry, changed the bedding, but mostly resting. Sleeping, even. Our plan to go and watch wild Bewick swans being fed  at Slimbridge was thwarted by wet weather. I've not even made it to yoga class. 

But I have a wonderful companion-cat, and Steve is cooking dinner. No one is making me live and die on a barge off the Isle of Portland. Life is good. Back to work tomorrow. 

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