Hello Lovely Blippers,

Elvis the Elf here - when I saw that there was a covering of snow on the table in the HCBs’ garden, I decided to go out to try and make a snow angel - in case you don’t know what one is, it means you have to lie on your back and move your arms up and down, and your legs from side to side, to make the shape of an angel.  I have to say I wasn’t that successful, but when we get more snow, I’m going to try again!

I do quite like the snow, and wanted to find out what someone was called if they “loved” snow.  Mrs HCB told me to ask Mr. Google, so I did.  Apparently, I am a “Chionophile”, which comes from them Greek word “khiōn” meaning snow.  

The table I was lying on is on their patio, but I don’t think they will be using it for sometime as it is SOOOOOO cold, but Mrs. HCB was well wrapped up with a big coat, scarf and hat and of course, was wearing some of her famous fingerless gloves.  The  time was 10.49 and the temperature, according to the thermometer was -2°C so below freezing, so no wonder I was cold.  I will find some other patches of snow and practice until I can make a really good snow angel - so watch this space!

Take care and do be careful, because the pavements and roads could be quite dangerous.  Mr and Mrs HCB aren’t going out at all today - and I can’t say I blame them;  the best place is in their warm house, so that’s where I am now, thawing out.

Love to you all from Elvis the Elf xxx

“Kindness is like snow,
     it beautifies everything
          it covers.”
Kahlil Gibran

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