
By KirstyHalbert


Found these wee ghost flowers in M's Mum's garden last weekend and thought they would make a good weekday Blip. It has turned out to be a melancholy little photo, with a watery, cold winter sun fading through the living room window to provide the light. Tough few days at work, today I've been in the office until 8pm and still can't force my mapping program to do its job; however, that's probably more to do with my own incompetence than my computer's work ethic.

Home to M bouncing around the kitchen talking excitedly about our plans to move to Norway (not immediately imminent, but things have been taking a step in the right direction)... Tentative... I don't want to jinx anything. He'd cooked dinner (leftover beef hotpot, yum yum) and we had a nice apple gin while we watched the rather inspiring 'Born to be Different'. Those wee kids - born with conditions that could make their own and their parents' lives quite unpleasant if they caved in to it - have such a lot going for them in terms of personality and copious amounts of 'happy'... And their parents are some of the bravest, strongest people I've seen. I really feel like they should be the role models of our time - none of this nonsense about footballers or singers.

Looking forward to the weekend greatly. Managed a Bokwa class this lunchtime; I am horrendously uncoordinated but it was fun all the same. Tomorrow morning it's Body Combat at 7.00am. I know G from work will be expecting me, so I won't be able to press the 'snooze' button. Good motivation!

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