
By KirstyHalbert


Happy Red Nose Day Friday!

I just about managed to prise myself out of bed this morning and go to a 7.00am Body Combat class at the gym. For once, I even ate a proper breakfast before I left, and what a difference it made to my energy levels. A good few words written for my report, lots of coffee drank and home at a reasonable time to play about with a red-nose-day Blip. This is M, just home from work (still suited-and-booted), juggling the four charity dinosaurs I bought for all the girls on my floor of the office today! We had great fun with them, they make some really weird noises and I must admit we rang one of the guys in our office from a disused phone line and just played four sets of dino-noises at him when he answered.

The lighting in this shot wasn't quite what I wanted - I had to ramp up the ISO so it's a bit grainy... I'll maybe have another go at a composite image when I have more time/light.

Good news for the day: I got a place on the Gray's School of Art photography evening course... Despite sending them a cheque for £25 as opposed to the actual course price of £325. The lady who rang to explain my mistake thought it was hilarious! So embarrassed. Of course a 10-week evening class at a University, with a professional photographer, was NOT going to cost less than a jumper from Topshop!! Anyhow, with payment sorted and enrollment confirmed, I can start getting excited for my first class. Unfortunately I'll have to wait until October 1st. I'm still deciding whether to buy myself an iconic Olympus Trip, or stick with my clunky, trusty, made-in-the-USSR Zenit 11 for the film part of the course...

After my enforced photoshoot, I offered to cook M dinner as a thank you. I'm the main cook in our house, but there are three dishes that he makes much better than me: curry, risotto and steak. Tonight it was the latter. I actually didn't do a bad job! I made some peppercorn sauce, and we opened up the last bottle of red wine* that Mum had bought us when she was up. Yay for weekends, photography courses, lovely boyfriends and furry dinosaurs that sound like an explosion in a squeaker factory.

*well, it is RED nose day...

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