Secret Santa

07.00  -- At my desk, gaming, but actually on standby.  A preliminary investigation was going on in MNL.  I didn't need to be invited, but, of course, the Viking was in attendance.  After about an hour, it was over, and he messaged me straight away.  One of the suspects, whom I'll call Peecy, did not show up, but Jay's representative was there as well.  He asked for 7 days to present their Counter Affidavit.  I asked the Viking if we should just expect all the old arguments, which we're both already sick and tired of.  He said, 'No.  Now they have to explain to the Public Prosecutor why they did what they did.  No more arguments.'  It's not hard to guess at what stage we are right now.

08.00-09.00 -- Got ready for work, drove to work.

09.00-16.00 -- 6 hours straight of lectures and feedback!  A real whopper of a schedule!  The only free hour I had went by so fast as well.

16.00-20.30 -- Our End-of-Year Party!  Actually, it went on till almost midnight, but I left at 20.30.

The party began with our Secret Santa ritual.  We were all given the name of a colleague, with the instruction to buy this colleague a gift.  If you didn't sign up to join, that was okay, but then you wouldn't get any gift either.  Of course, I joined.  Problem was, I could not get the digital coupon to work.  I ended up giftwrapping three books I had here at home and putting in a box of New Year crackers as well.  This thick book is what I got from my Secret Santa.  I didn't ask who it was, though.  The translation of the title -- 'Most People Are Okay'.  Many who saw me carrying it patted me on the shoulder and said that it is a good book.  It might help 'cure' me of my cynism, but I doubt that very much. Unfortunately, I have no time now to find out why or why not.

At about 17.00 we all went to the 'chapel' to listen to the Dean / Director of the entire university.  The faculty of all four (or five?) academies were present, some hundreds.  An informal affair, with DJ music in the background and disco lights.  I wonder what the old mother superiors would have said had they seen the red throbbing lights and special effects.  Then, around 18.00, after a few songs plus cocktails in the Small Atrium ('our' building) we all walked to the Large Atrium ('Tourism') for a grand dinner consisting of not one but three complete buffets, each from a different part of the world -- Afghanistan, Italy, and Jamaica, plus special buffets for salad and dessert.  Unfortunately, after almost 7 straight hours of work, my appetite only made a token appearance.  I went for the Afghan dinner + dessert but no drinks.  Gina and I sat together.  I left, very very tired, at 20.30.

Of course I spent some time talking to AW, then went up, then decided to read number 5, which is a very thin book.  I finished it in bed, long after AW had come up as well.  It is a very good book, actually a reflection on an old journal, written by a Nobel prize winner.  I will post its cover here soon.  No sooner was it done when both the lights and I signed out.

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