Windmill 'De Hoop', 't Zand

'De Hoop' sounds like and means 'the Hope', but can also mean 'the Heap'.
A long drive and the mill was facing away, with no possibility of either frontal or panoramic shots.  Never mind, I've seen it, and it is just as beautiful as all the others.  Built in 1865.

I was thankful that it did not rain, and that I found time to leave work behind.  Not that that is completely true as I had an online meeting with Guilford Guy first.  We had been work-chatting in Teams when he suddenly said, 'Do you have a moment to call?  Will save typing time!'  So I pressed the phone link and he was caught by surprise.  We both realized we hadn't straightened out our hair yet after we got out of bed.  I had my hairband on, at least.  One subject of our discussion -- a wannabe-nasty student who didn't agree with the mark I gave him.  His English was perfect, sure, no problem.  Thing is... he didn't answer the question prompt.  I told him he could have written a dissertation in perfect English about the procedures required for a heart transplant, and I'd be impressed, but it still will not have had anything to do with hotel management.  The other subject was Toon's backlog -- how am I doing with that?  I'm doing just fine.  Of course, as subject head, Guilford Guy has to be kept in the loop.

AW still with a cold, but there's something else -- his bronchitis and asthma have reared their ugly heads.  On my way back home, I passed by the pharmacy to top up his medications.  He was feeling well enough to enjoy live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's.  I drove him there and picked him up later.  Benna and I managed a good catch-up chat.  At the end of the day, I'd hardly done any correction work, but I was not sorry.  There'll be the weekend.  Yes, it will be yet another working weekend because Toon's backlog is huge, but it is now slowly but surely being eaten away.

Frost on the car every morning now.  We've been putting foil shades on the windshield, same as many other people.  I've just received a mail from the heating company -- we appear to be consuming a lot less than what might be expected for a corner property, so that's good news.  Less good news is that the government will restore energy tax to 21%.  They had dropped it to 9% soon after the Ukraine war began.  AW and I will simply continue to be vigilant and wear layers of clothes inside as well as out.

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