Needing a thaw

No more freeze please! Scattered rock salt on the ice rink which is the end of and some other parts of our drive. Had to scrape my car for ages again before I could go shopping. My hands were numb.
Nipped to Boots to buy some sample sized moisture creams for Mum and me to see if it can help the eczema itchy rashes. 
Tesco was busy and it took a bit longer than usual to shop. When leaving, had to queue  coming off the car park and onto the Linkway. Traffic was thick around town. 
Called at Mum's and nearly went A over T getting out of the car - treacherous on the road there and on the pavements.
The sun was out when I got home and it seemed to be warming up, so optimistically, I pegged the washing out - I felt frozen when I finished!
Had lunch and read a while - the book is getting on my nerves now - it started off really well and I was enjoying it but then it became mainly about sex and there is a sex session or three on every page now! I'd like less graphic detail - it's ruining the story. Actually not much of a story any more. I was telling Terry and he said why not bin it then but I said I want to know the ending! I will plod on with it but I know I'm going to be disappointed. I think I will give her other books a miss.
Washing dried some and I finished some off in the dryer.
I don't know where the hours went today. It was 2pm and then in a flash it was turned 4pm.
Won't be dashing up out of bed in the morning if the forecast is correct.

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