An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy Birthday to you!


Woke up to a winter wonderland.  Snow had fallen overnight and was still falling.  Very pretty but a real dampener on D's birthday plans.

Poor Jordan couldn't get his car out of our driveway so D ran him home.  Great timing getting the winter tyres put on our car yesterday as it coped no problem with the snow.  Fortunately Jordan only lives five minutes away so it wasn't long till D was back home.

Poor Penny was travelling from near Perth and messaged to say she was stuck on the A9 not far from the turn off to us; two jackknifed lorries at Blackford were causing huge delays.  She finally got here at 10.45am.  What a trouper!  Fortunately she was here overnight so didn't have to worry about going back out into the snow at night.

As soon as we were sure going out for dinner in the evening was not going to be possible, David cancelled the restaurant.  Instead a cosy day indoors was the order of the day and I'm certainly not complaining. 

Gave D his birthday card and pressies, which included re-chargeable hand warmers (for golf and dog walking.  Thanks for the idea Withers :-)) He was delighted with them and the rest of his gifts.

Alan wished him happy birthday but refused to hand over his card and pressies.  Apparently D's to get them "another day!"  lol!

Made him his lunch of choice...a Scottish morning roll with square sausage and potato scone.  Keeping it classy :-))))

D spent his birthday afternoon drinking coffee and eating birthday cake and  having birthday cuddles with Lola (despite her expression in the photo, she does enjoy this!  lol) whilst watching golf. Next best thing to playing it, which is what he should have been doing (ever the optimist, despite snow all over the central belt east to west, he was still on Leven Links website at 8.30am checking the course status!  hahahaha!) 

Thinking we'd be eating out tonight, I hadn't organised anything special for dinner but a rummage in the freezer produced lovely venison steaks so I made them with creamy mashed potatoes, buttered carrots and my red wine, red onion and redcurrant jus.  

Before making dinner, I offered to make him a cocktail and he chose a negroni, a perfect apéritif.  I decided to join him.  The only ingredient I didn't have was the orange peel to garnish (wasn't expecting to be making cocktails till Christmas so all the necessary extras are on my shopping list for this week) No matter, I carried on regardless.  Don't they look lush? 

Dinner cooking, we raised our glasses to a very happy if-slightly-different-from-planned-birthday, and took a slug of our negronis.  OMG!  YUK! I felt as though I was drinking nail polish remover!  And yes I did make them correctly!  

David's face was a picture.  His cheeks were so drawn together with the dryness and bitterness of the drink he looked like he had no teeth!  It was almost worth enduring the taste for that alone.  Oh how I laughed!  :-)) I tried another sip thinking it couldn't have been that bad surely, but it was (maybe the orange garnish is necessary after all!). David persevered and actually finished his stating that he'd become accustomed to it.  I suspect it was more to do with a Scotsman's refusal to waste alcohol!  Thankfully our delicious (if I do say so myself :-) dinner and a lovely bottle of red, replaced the horror of the negronis.

After dinner we retired to the living room.  D lit the fire and we watched The Traitors then something else, but I can’t remember what. Well it was two days ago :-)

A good birthday in the end :-)

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