Size Doesn't Matter

Size doesn’t matter , reflected the little Christmas Tree as it lay along side the big one - it’s the thought that counts and the effort that has gone into the making of the card.

Having never seen sight nor sound of a postie for two weeks, it was a big surprise to get a delivery of 18 Christmas cards this morning. Some had been posted as early at the 5th December and one with a first class stamp from my oldest friend aged 103 took over a week.

It was off to the hairdresser this afternoon for a trim. My request was that the hairdresser curbed her enthusiasm and did not take off so much that I ended up looking like Grayson Perry as happened earlier in the year. There’s nothing wrong with Grayson Perry’s wavy bob on Grayson Perry’s head- it just doesn’t do me any favours.
I was offered a festive Prosecco and a mince pie which was a treat I wasn’t expecting but felt had to be reflected in the tip. My head and purse feel marginally lighter.

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